There are many benefits to mentoring, and to being a mentor or being a mentee.
Whilst building a relationship with your mentor, discussions can be around developing your career, identify further training and sharing knowledge.

The mentoring experience aims to be a rewarding for both the mentor and the mentee, learning from each other along the way. This is known as Mutual Mentoring.
Mentoring can take various forms, from 1:2:1 mentoring, mentoring groups/circles and the larger mentoring network, connecting you with other people in similar work groups.
In genealogy and research groups, mentoring can be a valuable source of expertise and knowledge sharing. This can help you develop your communication skills, increase networking opportunities, identify further training needs and help with setting up the direction you’d like to take in your genealogy business.
Many organisations have their ‘in-house’ mentoring schemes. For genealogy, the Register of Qualified Genealogists (RQG) have their own brand new mentoring scheme, which I am happy to be involved with.
To find out more visit their website or email to register your interest in the scheme. Email: [email protected]