An interesting family history research project I am currently undertaking is a search for WWII nurse Eva May Johnson who was born in 1913 in Staffordshire, and died in 1973 near Lichfield. Included with the family papers is this certificate signed by the late King George & Elizabeth. The certificate was presented to Eva in… Continue reading
Extraordinary Women series: Lady Henry Somerset (1851-1921)
As part of my women’s studies series on Extraordinary Women, this blog is about Lady Henry Somerset, and her work with the Temperance Movement fits nicely with the New Year and a Dry January theme. Happy New Year everyone. Born Isabella Caroline SOMERS-COCKS on 21 September 1851. Her father, Charles SOMERS-COCKS known as Earl SOMERS,… Continue reading
2022 in Review
2022 is almost at an end and the New Year will soon be here. After being ill for most of the Christmas period, I am slowly getting back to work and catching up on university work. December has been such a busy month, I have been meeting myself coming back! Over the last 12 months… Continue reading