This week I have been visiting Glasgow and it was nice to be back again, back to study and to meet fellow PhD students. Building connections and staying on top of the latest advancements are key to keeping my skillset up to date and relevant. The University of Strathclyde is The Place of Useful Learning after all!
Since January I have been attending the various inductions and information sessions of which there are many to choose from and quite different from the Master’s level. It has taken me a while to get to grips with this different style of learning, developing my research skills and interaction with peer groups.
This month, April, I will be attending lots of CPD sessions (continued professional development) and attending methodology and researcher training, alongside shaping my research enquiry.
My genealogy and family history client work will be on hold until I complete my studies.

In other news, the RQG (Register of Qualified Genealogists) family history conference is less than 2 weeks away and I’m excited to be meeting lots of members, students and family history enthusiasts in Leeds. Details of the event are via the RQG website
Meanwhile, my reading pile is ever growing…..

You can follow my learning journey on X (formerly Twitter) and via my professional profile on LinkedIn