A new academic year is about to begin, time really does fly doesn’t it?
Year 2 of my MSc course, the diploma year, will commence this week with projects, assignments, lectures and additional CPD, so busy times ahead. With this in mind its time to get organised. Here’s what I’ve done so far:
- Downloaded all materials required
- Downloaded and printed off timetable with key dates
- Transferred all the dates for assignment and project release, submission and reminders in my online calendar. This includes adding reminders a few days before and on the due date – wouldn’t want to miss a deadline!
- Made a note of all the books that I will require and either got already or can access at the library
- Created an Evernote board for research project ideas – I will use this to clip notes and articles relating to that project and update as I go
- Bought more notepads, I like to write down as I go, then it’s there black and white, and easy to review when completing my CPD log
- Desk tidy – tidy desk tidy mind
- Ensure a timely backup of laptop
- Bought a new mug – perfect for long research hours and darker nights
- Made a schedule of my research times, online meetings, CPD and scheduled one full day off per week! Weekends are sometimes taken up by further research, family and shopping!
I use a paid version of Evernote but I am considering other tools such as Trello or Asana which I have used before. Sometimes its easier to stay with what you know and what works for you. As long as it doesn’t make more work. Keep in a routine and my 2nd year should fly by!
You can find out about Evernote here with a basic free or paid account (non-affiliated link): https://evernote.com/
Trello boards also have free and paid versions https://trello.com/en-GB
Asana can be found here https://asana.com/