Glasgow trip & graduation
Where has the time gone?! Over the past 3 years I have been busy completing my master’s degree and a couple of weeks ago, I visited Glasgow for graduation and caught up with my fellow students and tutors.

It’s been a lot of hard work but rewarding to see the end of the research and to be awarded at the graduation ceremony with a Masters’ degree in Genealogical, Palaeographic and Heraldic Studies.
The venue for the graduation was Barony Hall near the Cathedral, and the weather held up enough for us to follow the bagpiper up to the university building. It was a good day all round. Congratulations everyone!

Here’s the link to the University of Strathclyde and the new Strathclyde Institute of Genealogical Studies (SIGS) for details on their courses from hobbyist through to masters’ and doctoral degrees.
The topic for my master’s dissertation was to investigate the women behind the National British Women’s Temperance Association (NBWTA). My project researched the family history and backgrounds of 22 members of the NBWTA, noting occupations of family members, political and religious connections and connections within temperance and suffrage organisations. Of the 350 women within my dataset, most had affiliations with multiple groups such as the Independent Order of Good Templars, the Band of Hope Union or the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU).

A new website is currently in development so I can showcase some of these case studies and expand to include both male and female temperance advocates and associates. The website is called Temperance History It is very much still in progress and development of the website will be in-between my research work where I am continuing to look at the history of the Temperance Movement. Follow on X (Twitter) @TemperanceHist and on Facebook
2024 will commence a new chapter of my genealogical learning journey as I continue with the Temperance History project and a large project on a family who had links with Staffordshire and Derbyshire. I am looking forward to the forthcoming opening of the Staffordshire History Centre which will incorporate the archives for Staffordshire. I have visits planned for Derbyshire Archives in Matlock and the Derby Family History Library. Further client work is currently on hold until I have completed this work which as it is so large, could be turned into a publication! Watch this space.
Wishing all my readers a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
#Glasgow #Strathclyde #MSc #QualifiedGenealogist #Historian #Mentor
© J Kenyon