When reading Latin and trying to decipher a word, it can be common for the whole word to be abbreviated, either in part or in full. Some abbreviations, such as the letter P is used and can be represented as: The top 2 in the image above, are abbreviated to mean Pre. The 3rd in… Continue reading
Your DNA
1. Choose a testing company Here in the UK there are various testing companies that offer a DNA testing service. Each has its different reporting styles and tools. The 5 main testing companies are: MyHeritageDNA AncestryDNA Living DNA 23andMe FamilyTreeDNA There are of course, pro’s and limitations associated with each testing company. Ancestry and 23andMe… Continue reading
End of Term Review
Its now the end of term, so time to review and reflect on my course so far. Where has the time gone? It does seem to have flown by. Perhaps it is a combination of lockdowns and in an attempt to keep busy, I’ve ploughed through 6 Assessments and 12 assignment. I’ve read lots, attended… Continue reading