Just in time for World Book Night on 23 April, my recommendation is Thee & Me: A Beginner’s Guide to Early Quaker Records by Lisa Parry Arnold, as I will most probably be busy researching! I like this book as a learning tool for the history and principles of Quakerism but also learning about the… Continue reading
Ancestry’s Ethnicity Inheritance Tool
A new feature just released at AncestryDNA is their ethnicity inheritance tool which displays how much ethnicity has been inherited from each parent. It is a huge development in the world of DNA testing and reporting of ethnicity estimates. The visual element really helps to understand which part of the World we originate from and… Continue reading
10 Useful Resources for Researching Your House History
Have you ever wondered about a local building, an old pub or even your own house and who lived there years ago? The history of a house can be fascinating. Depending on the age of the building and sometimes location, the amount of history within those walls is really interesting. And, there are lots of… Continue reading